Building on Bentobox
Bentobox is a token vault from sushi, which allows developers to build capital efficient dapps, by leveraging the underlying capital into strategies. Bentobox also acts as a smart contract infrastructure layer, abstracting the development process and providing gas saving. Users who deposit their tokens into this innovative vault will passively earn yield on their assets, completely automatically! This is made possible by strategies applied to BentoBox. You can think of a strategy as a type of map that lays out the paths that held assets will safely take, while held in the vault, to earn added interest through other protocol tools. This means that our powerful token vault will automatically ensure that held assets are taking advantage of all available yeild-generating tools on the Sushi platform, while performing their intended actions within the apps of BentoBox. Some of the apps built upon bentobox are Trident, Limit Order, Abracadabra Money, Furo e.t.c. The workshop would enable the participants to acquire the knowledge necessary to work with bentobox, while building two dapps (GM Bentobox and BentoFund) in the process. The workshop would be hands on and would need basic solidity knowledge.
Decentralised Finance
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